Focus Ability Community Contribution Company

WorkAble Solutions

Our Working Solutions

Focus Ability Workable Solutions was created in 2015 to provide employment training and career opportunities for people with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Asperger's Syndrome, PDD-NOS  and other developing abilities.  Our employees make up a talent pool that is often unused but could have tremendous benefits to businesses and the community as a whole.  This idea is creative and unique since there are many individuals who are looking for an appropriate career choice who may need help with the approach necessary to achieve and maintain an employment situation.  There are also very few companies who understand how to add employment diversity positively into the workplace even if they have the desire to do so. Focus Ability is a member of a global group of organizations that employs ASD adults across the world.

We are located in British Columbia and currently serve the Okanagan and Cariboo regions.  We plan to be across BC by the year 2020. 

  Our Mission

The mission of Focus Ability WorkAble Solutions is to help those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) contribute their abilities to the workplace to enhance business and the community.

  Our Vision

The vision of Focus Ability WorkAble Solutions is to create a strong business culture and model which will help people with ASD to find meaningful and rewarding employment, enabling them to be independent and contributing members of society, while also benefiting businesses and the community as a whole. 

  Our Values

  Focus Ability WorkAble Solutions operates based in a strong set of core values, which include:

  • Providing understanding and respond for others who think differently
  • Promoting an efficient, productive work environment
  • Focusing on the special abilities of everyone
  • Maximizing the benefit of employing a combination of typical (non-ASD) and ASD minds
  • Promoting the concept that the mind is the best fit for the job, and some jobs are well-fulfilled by individuals who think differently
  • Remembering the motto: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"
  • Emphasizing the benefit of employing a combination of non-ASD and ASD minds
  • Promoting an efficient and productive work environment

 Why Focus on ASD?

  • Autism statistics show that about 1 in 68 people are on the autism spectrum
  • The population of BC is 4.61 million people in 2014. It is projected that in 2015, 3.18 million people are of working age. Based on that, there will be approximately 26,600 people each year possibly requiring assistance in locating and keeping employment to live an independent life
  • Studies show that up to 95% of people who are diagnosed with ASD are either unemployed or underemployed which would mean that almost 17,000 people (and growing) could benefit from our services. There are many large, medium, and small businesses in BC to support that employment
  • People with ASD have positive and special abilities that may benefit a workplace such as: Conscientiousness, reliability, honesty, detail-oriented, exceptional memory, focus, and loyalty


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