Focus Ability Community Contribution Company

WorkAble Solutions

We Are Different

Focus ability has a new approach to working with individuals who have autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, PDD-NOS, or other cognitive special abilities, their families, local businesses, and the entire community.  This approach takes into consideration the issues for the family, the desires of the person, the needs of the employer, and the benefits to the community.

Our target customers are any business that requires specialized talented employees or companies that have a high turnover position due to the repetitive nature of specific work, or high accuracy expectations that are often difficult for typical employees. 

Focus Ability assists candidates to obtain employment in jobs such as software installation and data management, food industry jobs, teaching and on-line learning, financial and banking data analysis, animal sciences, medical services, engineering sciences, music composition, graphic design, illustrators, writers, and web-site development.

We have a unique assessment model and training course which specifically identifies the special skills of an individual, discovers areas of need, locates a specific career direction based on interests and strengths, and prepares a person to enter the workplace environment with the skills to succeed.


We follow Developing Talents - (Careers for Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome and High-functioning Autism) 

 To find out even more Contact Us

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