Are you collecting PWD and looking to learn more about working from home jobs in the new world we now live in for employment? If so, then contact us by email ASAP to receive your information package.
The work experience program is a paid (minimum wage) program where you work for Focus Ability CCC Inc. (20hrs/week x 12 weeks) in an area of your interest or talents to learn the much-needed skills in working from home.
“We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.” “We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.”
The Work Experience Opportunities Grant program is intended to support an inclusive labour market recovery by providing non-profit organizations grants to deliver time-limited work experience opportunities for vulnerable individuals with barriers to employment who were impacted by COVID-19.
This is from one of our Spring Work Experience Clients:
"I was Event and sales coordinator for Focus Ability(ccc)Community Contribution company W.E.P (work experience, Program) in 2021. This program is for the unemployed and special abilities who are collecting PWD supports. The program went on for 12 weeks, paid program. I oversaw helping advertise, invite guests and speakers plus brainstormed ideas for Autism Awareness.My Job during the program was to work with Nathan, on brainstorming Autism Awareness and Bubble walk. I worked with papa mail, PowerPoint, Word, and Excel as well as trying to figure out three different documents, journaling, to-do’s, pay ups and I oversaw helping advertise, invite guests and speakers to the event. In Sales, I worked with Sean on 4 funnel projects and continue to finish up sales. I learned to stay productive but got pretty distracted on my own lots...Learned to sink in with the office environment. I’m much more comfortable with google meets than I started."